At a Death Café people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death.
Our objective is 'to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives'.
A Death Café is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes.
It is a discussion group dealing with bereavement, grief and loss rather than a grief support or counselling session.
Our Death Cafes are always offered:
Free to attend with All Welcome
On a non for profit basis
In an accessible, respectful and confidential space
With no intention of leading people to any conclusion, product or course of action
Alongside refreshing drinks and nourishing food – and cake!
In 2010 Jon Underwood decided to develop a series of projects about dealing with death one of which was to focus on talking about death. In November Jon read about the work of Bernard Crettaz in the Independent Newspaper. Inspired by Bernard's work, Jon immediately decided to use similar model for his own project, and Death Café was born.
The first Death Cafe in the UK was offered in Jon's house in Hackney, East London in September 2011. It was facilitated by pychotherapist Sue Barsky Reid, Jon's mum. It was a wonderful occasion. It went on to offer Death Cafes in a range of places including funky cafes, people's houses, cemeteries, a yurt and the Royal Festival Hall.
Where words fail, music speaks....
Held on the third Monday of each month from 6:00pm in the
Function Room,
Blacktown Tavern
81 Kildare Rd., Blacktown
Stay updated with event information via our Facebook events.
Blacktown Tavern
This isn’t a workshop; it's a group-directed discussion on death, dying, grief, the afterlife, celebrating life and love, with no set agenda...
Blacktown Tavern
We had another wonderful turnout tonight, despite the cold. The promise of laughter, love, tears, and joy was upheld within a framework of conversational wisdom. We played the Death Deck, which allowed us to approach these conversations in a way that immediately drew everyone in closer, removing tension and fear. To finish off the evening, we each drew a Healing Rune and welcomed the inspiration, guidance, and comfort found in Ralph Blum’s interpretation of an ancient Western Oracle—the Runes.
We had another wonderful turnout tonight.
To be able to provide a space that guests feel supported to speak honestly about death and grief, comfortable enough they trusted the people in the room with their private thoughts and sometimes angst takes great courage.
It is an honour to facilitate these events, offer my knowledge and love, and learn wisdom from others.
We had a great turnout tonight.
We played The Death Deck and had some incredibly rich and memorable conversations.
We talked about profound experiences, who you would want to officiate your funeral service, who you might enlist to dispose of any compromising items you may own,
and some fun tangents and stories of course!
It was such a fun and meaningful night.
Looking forward to next month!
All inquiries welcome dealing with death, grief and loss.
If you have a suitable venue that we can host our events at -
Please reach out.